As usual, we had a full house. In addition to my parents, grandmother, Olwyn and John, my Uncle Frannie and Aunt Lalee stayed for 2 weeks, and my two married brothers and their families each stayed a week. Rob, still single, visited as well.
The best beach was Scotch Beach; it had good waves for body surfing and decent surf fishing too. We always took our fishing poles to the beach and caught plenty of pollock and scup.

There were 2 lighthouses on Block Island, we lived not far from North Light. It was a good beach-combing area. The more famous light was Southeast Light, standing

There was one town on the island, New Shoreham. It wasn't much of a town, just a few shops and some run down hotels. There were some formerly grand hotels dating back to Block Island's better days, now sagging in the middle and boarded up, located on the east side of the island north of town. My opinion, as a twelve-year-old, of Block Island was that it was a pretty boring place. I'm glad we spent only one summer there. Thank God for the body surfing and fishing.
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